In 1988 Rastko, Jelica (Helen), and their children Steve and Marina Misajlovski embarked on a sink or swim endeavor yearning for a new future in the land of promise. Immigrants from the former country of Yugoslavia, the Misajlovski family purchased a defunct bakery in the heart of Almont, Michigan. Formerly a mechanic shop turned bakery, the family had quite the undertaking revitalizing the closed business and establishing themselves in the small rural town. Thus the Almont Pastry & Donut Shop was born!
Through trial and error, and a little cultural influence, the family quickly began to find their footing. Using family recipes as well as newly adopted techniques, the Misajlovskis began producing scratch baked breads, donuts, cookies, cakes and everything in between. With Helen running front of house operations and Rastko and Steve focusing on production, the business had finally begun to run like a well oiled machine.
For over two decades Rastko, Helen and Steve, along with the help of their wonderful staff, worked tirelessly cementing their place in the town of Almont. As the business was growing so was Steve's son Andrew and his desire to continue the family's legacy. Surrounded by the bakery from childhood Andrew began to grow a passion for the craft and the work of his family. In 2011 Andrew began working alongside his father and grandfather learning their methods and the tricks of the trade. As the years progressed Andrew began to flourish, not only mastering his family's recipes, but embellishing upon them and even creating his own.
With a fresh young vision and a strong foundation, the family agreed that it was time for a change. In 2019 it was announced that the Almont Pastry & Donut Shop would be revitalizing itself and assuming a new identity: The Almont Baking & Donut Company. Plans for a complete remodel began in 2020 and are currently in progress including interior and exterior renovations, as well as a full brand overhaul. Although there are many changes in the works, one thing will never change... Our pledge to never compromise on quality, and to treat each and every customer like family!
In loving memory of Rastko Misajlovski
June 3, 1941 - April 25, 2020